Seventh event in the Wittenstein Foundation’s “enter the future” series

Nearly 7000 satellites were orbiting the Earth at the beginning of 2023 and rockets are launched into space almost daily. Space today is seen as a trillion-dollar market – a new economic area and a catalyst for technologies that have become an integral part of everyday life. Professor Klaus Schilling and Dr Hans Koenigsmann will demonstrate the challenges and opportunities inherent in this technological “conquest” of space to the audience at the seventh “enter the future” event on November 29 at the Tauber Philharmonie and simultaneously as a live stream. In addition, internationally renowned photo artist and Pioneer Astronaut Michael Najjar will present his two new "starship" works to the public for the first time.
What just a few years ago was dismissed as science fiction has meanwhile become a reality in our day-to-day lives. Access to the internet in even the remotest corners of the globe, space tourism as an unforgettable experience for private individuals or satellite monitoring of agricultural land – all of this is made possible by technological advances and the commercialization of space.
Experiences and thoughts of two top international experts
The two speakers at the seventh “enter the future event”, which will once again be held in a hybrid format, are regarded as pioneers in their respective fields. In their keynote speeches they will primarily highlight innovations, conditions for success and hazards associated with manned and unmanned spaceflight. Professor Klaus Schilling, who was recently selected by the International Astronautical Federation for one of the top international space awards, has already launched numerous nanosatellites and taught space technology at both Stanford University (USA) and the University of Würzburg. His keynote will focus above all on the potential of satellite missions as well as Europe's role in space economics and science. Dr Hans Koenigsmann, who spent many years in California (USA) working for SpaceX, Elon Musk’s space company, as Vice President and Chief Engineer, was responsible together with his team for more than 100 rocket launches and for assuring the safety of countless missions. Among other things, he will attempt to make the American willingness to invest and the typical approach to dealing with mistakes and failed missions more tangible to everyone in the audience.
The two speakers will discuss visions for space travel from the perspective of their respective positions – not only from a science viewpoint but also against the background of both societal and highly individual needs and benefits. The two keynotes will be followed by the presentation of the new "starship" works by Michael Najjar, the Pioneer Astronaut who wants to be the first contemporary artist to go into space. In the concluding discussion, facilitated by Benedikt Hofmann, Editor-in-Chief of MM Maschinenmarkt, all those attending – whether connected in a video conference or there in person – are invited to enrich the evening with their ideas, their thoughts and their contributions.
Register now free of charge
As always, the seventh event in the “enter the future” series is open to the public at no cost. Interested persons can obtain tickets as well as all further information on the event from Registrations will be accepted up until November 27, 2023.


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Speakers: Professor Klaus Schilling, President of the Center for Telematics and former professor of space technology at Stanford University and the University of Würzburg

Speakers: Dr Hans Koenigsmann, member of the Supervisory Board of OHB SE and former Vice President and Chief Engineer of SpaceX, Elon Musk’s space company