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the foundation
identifying interrelationships, speeding up transformation

The purpose of the Wittenstein Foundation is to promote education and training as well as science and research. The focus is on clarifying interrelationships between people, technology, nature and society, as well as the economic, technological, social, and ecological requirements to safeguard our resources for future generations, and also on promoting an understanding of the role of business activities for society. The foundation seeks to make an important contribution to the essential transformation of these requirements.

  • 2023: Qiu Lin (China), Duke University/USA
    Project: How she disappeared and what we ought to do: on behalf of the chained woman
  • 2024: Debojit Thakur (Indien), Universität Trier
    Project: Historical disinformation in contemporary India: an interdisciplinary remedial approach

the founder
overcoming boundaries, establishing networks


Over the last few decades, Manfred Wittenstein has turned his parents’ small special machine factory DEWITTA into WITTENSTEIN SE, a leading international company that inspires its customers in the world of the cybertronic motion through innovation, precision, excellence, and sustainability, while at the same time helping conserve our resources for future generations.

  • 2023: Qiu Lin (China), Duke University/USA
    Project: How she disappeared and what we ought to do: on behalf of the chained woman
  • 2024: Debojit Thakur (Indien), Universität Trier
    Project: Historical disinformation in contemporary India: an interdisciplinary remedial approach

the familiy
taking responsibility
across generations


WITTENSTEIN SE is a family business; the shareholders and family are identical, and the family’s entrepreneurial spirit therefore guides the company’s vision and mission. This equally applies to the Wittenstein Foundation. 


Just as Manfred Wittenstein, the initial benefactor under the Articles of Association, expresses his purpose and willingness staunchly and unambiguously, so too do the other family members and shareholders of WITTENSTEIN SE support the Wittenstein Foundation in its intention, strategy and endowment. The committed and permanent realization of the foundation’s charitable purpose is a stated aim and therefore also a personal obligation for the entire family – out of a responsibility that it wants to accept.

the board of trustees
providing direction and inspiration

The Board of Trustees is the foundation’s advisory and supervisory body and determines the overarching strategy for the foundation’s work, among other things. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Board consists of up to seven individuals and sets key priorities for measures to achieve the foundation’s purpose. 

  • 2023: Qiu Lin (China), Duke University/USA
    Project: How she disappeared and what we ought to do: on behalf of the chained woman
  • 2024: Debojit Thakur (Indien), Universität Trier
    Project: Historical disinformation in contemporary India: an interdisciplinary remedial approach

the office
implementing the
foundation’s purpose

The statutory administration of the foundation as well as the ongoing foundation work in accordance with the Board of Trustees’ guidelines is carried out by the employees in the administrative office. Management is responsible for representing the foundation in and out of court.

  • 2023: Qiu Lin (China), Duke University/USA
    Project: How she disappeared and what we ought to do: on behalf of the chained woman
  • 2024: Debojit Thakur (Indien), Universität Trier
    Project: Historical disinformation in contemporary India: an interdisciplinary remedial approach
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